News list for " Trailer"

Trump has announced an indiscriminate tariff attack, and the dollar bulls have heard the wind again! Powell will testify to Congress, the Federal Reserve is facing an inflation test, and the plan to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict is about to be released? Click to view...

Trump has announced an indiscriminate tariff attack, and the dollar bulls have heard the wind again! Powell will testify to Congress, the Federal Reserve is facing an inflation test, and the plan to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict is about to be released? Click to view...

2025-02-08 11:29:16
Azuki Releases Official Trailer and Key Visuals for "Fractured Reflections"

Azuki has released the official trailer and key visuals for "Fractured Reflections," the second installment of the trilogy anime anthology series "Enter The Garden," produced by anime legend Goro Taniguchi, which will be released on the IP anime platform Anime in February 2025. Enter The Garden series is jointly produced by Azuki, Dentsu, and IMAGICA Infos.

2025-01-23 07:03:14
OKX releases a movie trailer for "A Different Western Town", advocating for a self-hosted future

On January 3rd, OKX released a new movie trailer "A Different Western Town", with a profound western story as the theme, telling a contest about trust and control. The film vividly demonstrates the importance of self-custody through a tense and exciting narrative, conveying the core concept of "Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto.", aiming to call on more users to pay attention to the self-custody of digital assets...

2025-01-03 09:33:04
Story: Upcoming Agent TCP/IP Protocol

Story co-founder Jason Zhao announced the upcoming release of the Agent TCP/IP protocol on the X platform, with a picture of the Story Foundation file titled "An Agent to Agent Trading System".

2024-12-11 12:07:23
Story: AgentTCP/IP Protocol Coming Soon

Story co-founder Jason Zhao announced the upcoming release of the Agent TCP/IP protocol on the X platform, with a picture of the Story Foundation document titled "An Agentto Agent Trading System".

2024-12-11 12:07:23
Morph may launch mainnet tomorrow

October 29th news, consumer-grade public chain Morph released a trailer video on X, with the text "wen", the video content shows that it will be launched on the main network in a day.

2024-10-29 13:01:00
9 Must-See Trailers from the Xbox, Ubisoft, and Summer Game Fest Events
9 Must-See Trailers from the Xbox, Ubisoft, and Summer Game Fest Events

Catch a look at Doom: The Dark Ages, Perfect Dark, Fable, and several other huge upcoming games as publishers showcase what's next.

2024-06-12 12:01:04

7x24 Newsflash

11:04 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,OpenZK正在设计桥接EigenLayer再质押功能,使得用户可以在其L2上实现一键质押、再质押ETH等功能,简化流程并最大限度提升资产利用率。EigenLayer的开发者推特Build On Eigen已转发确认。OpenZK预计本次即将推出的再质押产品会增加其网络访问量并为大规模DeFi应用做好准备。
10:58 2025-03-26
据Whale Alert监测,加密货币托管服务商Ceffu约5分钟前向币安转入3,311枚BTC,约合2.9亿美元。
10:52 2025-03-26
CZ:Giggle Academy发布V1.9.0版本,新增奖励中心等功能
3月26日消息,CZ在其社交平台表示,Web3教育平台Giggle Academy发布V1.9.0版本,新版本的更新包括:改进儿童语音识别、新增奖励中心(积分,不是加密货币)、推荐注册H5页面、StorybookUI升级。
10:49 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,据The Data Nerd监测,8小时前,某钱包(可能属于Bybit)向Binance存入了2.2万枚ETH(约4535万美元)。这可能是黑客攻击后,Bybit向Binance的还款。上周,该钱包还将另外2.2万枚ETH存入Binance。
10:39 2025-03-26
观点:BTC 长期持有者仍在等待更高退出价位,需警惕“牛市陷阱”
据彭博社报道,加密货币交易自动化平台 CoinPanel 交易专家 Kirill Kretov 警告投资者在当前环境中需格外谨慎:市场依然脆弱,极易被操纵。散户活跃度低迷,交易量稀薄,即便所谓的聪明钱也在场外观望。真正有能力推动市场的力量选择按兵不动,这...
10:27 2025-03-26
比特币本周一触及两周高位后的反弹行情正面临夭折风险,加密货币交易自动化平台CoinPanel交易专家Kirill Kretov警告称:投资者在当前环境中需格外谨慎,市场依然脆弱且极易被操纵,散户活跃度低迷、交易量稀薄,即便所谓的聪明钱也在场外观望,真正有能力推动市场的力量选择按兵不动,这绝非...
10:24 2025-03-26
嘉楠科技公布2024年第四季度和全年未经审计的财务业绩。2024年第四季度总收入为8880万美元,超过预期的8000万美元,同比增长80.9%。挖矿收入为1530万美元,同比增长312.5%,共开采出186枚比特币。净亏损为9290万美元,而2023年同期为1.39亿美元。 2024年全年总收入为2.693亿美元,较2023年的2.115亿美元同比增长27.4%。售出的总算力为2600万TH/s,较2023年的1960万TH/s同比增长32.6%。采矿收入...
10:09 2025-03-26
“木头姐”Cathie Wood拟将旗下基金代币化,或遇监管阻碍
Cathie Wood 于当地时间周二在纽约举行的数字资产峰会上发表讲话时说:“我们认为代币化将是巨大的,我们希望能够将风险基金 (ARKVX) 或是数字资产革命基金(Digital Asset Revolution Fund)代币化。”但分析认为,虽然Cathie Wood 准备将 Ark Invest 基金代币化,但面临美国监管和法规的阻碍,导致这一进程或将被搁置。
09:57 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,IntoThe Block发文表示,昨天,交易平台净流出接近19,000枚BTC,主要受到Bitfinex平台流出21,750枚BTC推动。
09:48 2025-03-26
链上分析师Ali于X发文表示,现在有 48 个新钱包持有超过 100 个BTC,表明鲸鱼的积累量正在不断增加。
09:45 2025-03-26
Ceffu 向币安转入超 1.4 万枚以太坊,约合 2943 万美元
据链上分析师 The Data Nerd 监测,加密货币托管服务商 Ceffu 在 45 分钟前向币安转入 14,222 枚以太坊,约合 2943 万美元。
09:36 2025-03-26